A bionic penis will allow a 44-year-old man to make love for the first time: your doctor


Bladder exstrophy can be detected by ultrasound during pregnancy, although sometimes the defect is not visible before birth.

He calls Andrew Wardle and is a man who because of exstrophy of the bladder was born without penis . Currently, at age 44 and through the implantation of a penis Bionic can have sex for the first time.

According to Mayo Clinic Exstrophy of the Bladder is a congenital abnormality in which the bladder develops outside the fetus; it's a birth defect.

Thus, the exposure of the urethra and bladder means that the urine can not be stored in the latter.

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The Bionic Penis Will Allow a Man to Have Sex for the First Time

The Exstrophy of the Bladder can be treated surgically; that is, by surgical repair 3 months after birth or after; More intervention is needed

In this sense, Andrew underwent various operations to rebuild his bladder and implant an urostomy bag to collect urine.

2012 when doctors managed to remove the urostomy bag and built a small canal to connect the bladder to the outside of their body since the beginning of Mifrotanoff.

After that, the surgeons decided to build him a bionic penis The bionic penis was made with skin and muscle of his left arm and also a vein of his right leg.

Subsequently, the materials were manipulated to give him the size and shape Wardle .

To obtain the functionality of the penis doctors implanted a pump in the scrotum

. activate a small deposit of salt water that is placed in your abdomen; it is so that the man realizes the erection .

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Bladder exstrophy It can be detected by means of an ultrasound performed during pregnancy, although sometimes the defect is not visible until birth.

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