A California fire destroys 28,300 hectares


Agencia EFE

Firefighters continue to fight the fire in California (USA) which has razed 28,300 hectares since last Saturday.

Data provided by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire), this fire, which has been dubbed the Fire "County", is controlled only at 5% and relates to mainly Yolo County, located in the West More than two thousand 100 firefighters and members of the emergency services have been deployed to try to extinguish the fire.

Authorities cut several roads in the area and ordered the evacuation of the city of Sacramento. several areas, but for the moment it is unclear how many people had to leave their homes before the flames.

In addition, the authorities indicated that there is a strong possibility that the fire continues to grow and They concluded that firefighters were trying to build containment lines to stop the flames and protect the buildings and structures threatened by fire.

Cal Fire spokesman Captain Jordan Motta said firefighters were concentrating their efforts. northern and southern part of the fire, two areas in which the flames spread easily.


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