A can of energy drink could kill you in 90 minutes


Swallow a single box of energy drink can seriously affect your heart health and increase the risk of stroke. This amount may increase the risk to suffer from a stroke in 90 minutes and narrowing of the blood vessels.

The University of Texas has published a study indicating that this type of drink, which is widely used, can limit the amount of blood reaching vital organs.

But this is not the first study in the world that warns against these the risks. For this study, 44 students from the UTHealth McGovern School of Medicine were observed, did not smoke, and were physically fit for about 20 years.

The researchers examined the function of the endothelium (the layer of cells covering the surface of the blood vessels), an indicator of heart attack because the arteries can not extend completely.

This function was measured before and 90 minutes after consuming 24 ounces of energy drinks.

After the study, it was found that the arteries had shrunk by almost half after consuming the energy drinks.

The ingested drinks contained taurine, caffeine, sugar and herbs that directly influenced the function of the endothelium.

The new discoveries will be presented at the 2018 scientific sessions of the American Heart Association in Chicago, which will take place from 10 to 12 November.

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