A Canadian rapper dies while falling from a plane while recording a video


The Canadian rapper Jon James, Aged 34, he died when he fell off a small plane while recording scenes for the video of "The Man".

The events were recorded in the Canadian city of Vernon last weekend, while the musician was walking outside the aircraft in motion, the site said. Huffington Post.

According to what his representatives reported, James was standing in one of the wings of the plane and, when he started to walk, he caused the plane to lose stability and balanced the musician.

Although he tried to keep himself safe, all his efforts were not enough and he fell into the void.

"While Jon was walking in the wing of the plane, the little Cessna collapsed, a problem that the pilot could not correct in time," the statement of their representatives.

"Jon is hanging on the wing of the plane until it is too late and, when he let go, he does not know what he's doing." "No more time to activate his parachute," the document says.

Moments later, the pilot managed to control the ship and was able to land, but the tragedy could not be avoided.

Sources close to the singer say that he had been preparing for a long time to record the video.

Even in your account Instagram publishes a video on October 2 where he shows part of his training in parachuting to record the scenes of "The Man".

According to information published by the Huffington Post, James was an excellent skier, but he had an accident on his back that caused him back pain and decided to get away from the sport and to devote himself to another one. his great passions, music.

"His passion for making music videos and performing acrobatics was combined, and Jon was introduced to the world of music," said his representative in the statement.

Although he does not know when he began his professional career in music, he points out that in 2016, he released the Rex Leo album.

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