A civilian dies while bombing near a polling station in Iraq


Baghdad.- At least one civilian died today (19459005) during an attack suicide perpetrated against warehouses of the Iraqi government in which the votes elections were held legislative elections in Kirkuk (north of Iraq), two days before a manual recount suspected of fraud.

A police source told Efe that " a suicide driver was blowing up a car bomb this morning, near a government warehouse complex in the area of ​​the highway. from Baghdad, in the south of Kirkuk, which caused the death of a civilian and wounded twenty "people".

Thematic Photo: AFP.

The source added that in the warehouse are the ballot boxes for elections in Kirkuk province, and said that the "attacker" blew up his vehicle before reaching the warehouses, so there was not On the other hand, the commander of special operations counter-terrorist forces in Kirkuk, Maan al Saadi, said in a statement that his units had managed to " thwart "the attack of the terrorist.

According to Al Saadi," the pressure "exerted by the military units" forced the terrorist to explode ", that caused injuries to the security forces, without specifying any number.

Next Tuesday will begin a recount of the votes of the parliamentary elections in Iraq last May, as announced yesterday by the council of judges appointed to oversee the process, which is intended to investigate the allegations of fraud e.

Theme: Photo: Xinhua

The counting tasks, which will be done manually, will start in Kirkuk province; Judges will then continue to work in the Suleimaniya, Erbil, Dahuk, Nineveh, Saladin and Anbar areas and thereafter in the eleven other Iraqi provinces.

Last Sunday, the Judicial Council decided to count only the votes of the places where complaints or official reports of fraud were recorded, despite the fact that the Parliament had ordered the recount of all the votes of the parliamentary elections held on 12 May.

Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, winner of the elections, reached agreements to form a parliamentary alliance with leaders of other political groups, including pro-Iranian Hadi al-Ameri and the interim prime minister, Haider al Abadi, second and third most voted.

Despite these agreements, the formation of the next government has not yet been announced.

In this note:

  • Attack
  • Attack
  • Iraq
  • A Death
  • Civil
  • Reservation of Votes

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