A copy of Hawking's thesis can be sold for more than 100,000 euros


London.- A signed copy of the thesis of the late British scientist Stephen Hawking, written in 1965, can be sold this month for more than 100,000 books (113,000 euros) as part of an electronic auction of the house from Christie to London.

As announced by the auction house, the doctoral dissertation, whose estimated price is between 113,000 and 169,500 euros, is part of several personal Hawking items that will go on sale between October 31 and November 8. .

The book, titled "The Properties of an Expanding Universe", which he had written at the age of 24, caused the Web site's collapse. 39, Cambridge University of England when it was published on the network in 2017.

Hawking, who had been suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) since the age of 21, a condition that left him in a wheelchair and forced him to communicate via a speech synthesizer, died at age 14 in Cambridge, at the age of 76.

Among the items that will also be offered for sale, there is a copy of his book "Brief History of Time", medals, a windbreaker, the scenario of his participation in an episode of the famous cartoons "The Simpsons" and a wheelchair. .

"We are very pleased to be able to count on Christie's help to assist with the management of our beloved father's records and this unique and valuable collection of personal and professional items, which save his life and work, "said Lucy Hawking, daughter of the scientist note leaked to the media.

In addition, the auction will allow Hawking fans to have "the opportunity to acquire a memory of our father's extraordinary life," added his descendant.

The proceeds will go to the Stephen Hawking Foundation, created to facilitate cosmology studies, and the Neuromotor Disease Association, which studies the disease suffered by the famous researcher.

In Cambridge, where he worked at the Gonville & Caius School, the researcher held the prestigious Lucasiana Chair of Mathematics – created in 1663 by Henry Lucas, a member of the English Parliament – of which Isaac Newton was also the holder.

Hawking, who rejected the knighthood bestowed upon him by Queen Elizabeth II of England, helped lay the foundations of modern cosmology and became an icon of popular culture, as much loved as a rock star .

The scientist became famous with the publication of the book "Brief History of Time", in which he explained in 1988 the latest discoveries on the nature of black holes and the origin of the Universe, areas on which he had he himself laid the mathematical foundation. .

Hawking's ashes lie at Westminster Abbey in London, alongside mathematician Isaac Newton and naturalist Charles Darwin.

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