A death in Ciudad Juarez by a strong storm


The intense rain accompanied by hail fell within a radius of about 10 kilometers and caused some streets to become .

Strong winds reached nearly one hundred kilometers at the time the trees and the poles of electrical power in some areas of the city.

It was a very intense rain with all the features of a marine bombshell, there was one of the stations that we have in the axis of the flask and Carlos Amaya, I detect 35.5 millimeters of water and also 97 kilometers per hour the winds, we had very strong winds that caused even pulled cables and spilled poles, "said Efrén Matamoros, Director of Civil Protection.Firefighters and elements of Civil Protection Rescue mobilized at various settlements of the city norponiente to take care of emergency calls.

In the morning of this sáb corpse of an unidentified man who allegedly drowned when he was dragged with his vehicle was found

Today in the morning around six o'clock in the morning, we find the deceased there in this dam The balance is until now this deceased person, what we have up to here and the rest are material damage, "said Efrén Matamoros.

Civil Protection will keep the yellow alert for this purpose


They attend floods and floods in Mexico City

This Saturday's rains have generated at least three floods, two floods and a drop of water in the delegation of Gustavo A. Madero, indicated the Center of command, control, computer science, communication and contact with the citizens of Mexico City

. n The first soldier Lázaro Cárdenas and Lázaro Cárdenas, in Insurgentes and Acueducto de Guadalupe, as well as in Acueducto and Camaxtli, reported via their Twitter account @ C5_CDMX

A flood was recorded at the Estado de México and Adolfo López Mateos, while the descent of water has occurred on Avenida Emiliano Zapata and Gabriel Guevara. Another flood was treated over the aqueduct and colony of Santa Maria Ticoman on June 30, 1520.

There was also slight rainfall in the delegation of Tláhuac, moderate to lvaro Obregón, and strong in Gustavo A. Madero and Azcapotzalco. part The Metro Transit System (STC) activated rail safety on lines three, four, five, six, seven, and nine, so it recommended that precautions be taken.

15 will cause rains throughout the country

With the information of Francisco Javier Carmona and Notimex


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