A death is confirmed by AH1N1


SSY calls for extreme precautions

According to data from the State Secretariat for Health, there is now a person killed by the AH1N1 flu. Although the media deal with up to six deaths, addiction spokesmen have ensured that these figures are unofficial, at least not for the SSY.

In a statement it is stated that in Yucatan, until the 25th week of this year, 31 influenza cases with predominance of AH1N1 were confirmed (64.5% of cases). The above represents an 82.3% increase in influenza cases compared to the same period of 2017.

It also points out that confirmed cases show signs and symptoms of greater severity.

In this context, Dr. Mirza Tec Kumul Public Health, said that there is this high trend of suffering in the state, with the prevalence of cases of infection with the strain AH1N1 which caused a pandemic in the entity in 2009.

"Since 2009 we have the AH1N1 flu, it's not that comes in again, is a bad way to interpret it." We have times when it increases and others where it decreases.Sometimes there is more of another type like AH3N2 .At this moment, we have a higher percentage of AH1N1. warning is epidemiological and addressed to decision-makers and health personnel, "he explained

The population at risk (older adults, pregnant women and people with chronic diseases) should be vaccinated against influenza. It has been reported that the treatment of influenza (with oseltamivir, whose trade name is Tamiflu) can be provided even if laboratory tests are not available if the person has symptoms.

He also confirmed that there was a deceased. It treats people with weakened immune systems or other factors that complicate their health, such as diabetes. A 66-year-old man who was not vaccinated or had comorbidities – ABT

The unit denied that there was official information of more than one death for this disease.

People were advised to wash their hands and if they took the trouble to consult a health professional for an appropriate diagnosis to be made. They have assured that they have the necessary medications for those who have already been diagnosed by the attending physician.

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