A doctor talks about the problem of Maradona


The Colombian Germán Ochoa, one of the doctors of Diego Armando Maradona, said Friday that the world champion with Argentina in Mexico in 1986 suffers from a l & # 39; osteoarthritis severe and that the knees must be operated.

"We did a treatment before World so that he can go through his activities in Russia in the best way He has a l & # 39; osteoarthritis severe both knees. There is no more cartilage. The bones touch each other, the femur with tibia and fibula. This is a serious problem because it causes a lot of pain, inflammation and difficulty moving, "he said. Ochoa to the canal All news.

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In early June, Maradona underwent special treatments to cure his knee disease.

Maradona about to be unable to walk Maradona about to be unable to walk

"Maradona know that the solution is to make it work and put it prosthesis at both knees. In the short or medium term, it is necessary to make the decision to replace a joint, but the problem is that Diego It's a young patient (57 years old), but his knees do not have any other solution, "he added.

A video published in the last hours, in which you can see Maradona walking with difficulty during the training of his team, the Dorados of Sinaloa, of the Ascent MX of the Mexican Soccer, woke the uncertainty for the health of the former strategist of Albiceleste ..

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"It's not going to happen that Diego I can not walk, it will not happen to that. Advances in technology make it possible to find a solution, but the most cautious and smart way to reach a solution is: operate both knees"he claimed Ochoawho has already operated Maradona of the left knee in 2004.

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