A football team spends 9 days missing in Thailand


(CNN) –

Rescuers found Monday the 12 children and their trainer in a cave in Thailand, according to an elderly person involved in the search and rescue operation. They have been gone for nine days.

The children, aged 11 to 16 and part of the same football team, disappeared on Saturday, June 23. His health is being revised.

This is a park official who warned of his passing after seeing children's bicycles near the entrance to the cave complex outside the boundaries.

The area is popular with tourists and, for the first mile or so inside the cavernous entrance, the limestone rock formations embrace the high ceilings, creating an almost amphitheater-like environment.

At the end of last week, hikers discovered an opening hidden in the depths of the jungle, giving an alternative entry point to the cave system.

The natural chimney, about 1.5 meters in diameter and at least 22 meters deep, was found north of the cave opening, where children's bicycles have been found.

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The governor of Chiang Rai, Narongsak O sottanakorn, confirmed at a press conference that any l & # 39; 39, football team and coach were safe in the cave.

However, his work is not over yet.

Here is what the governor said: [19659003] "We found the 13 people, and they are all safe, but our mission is not over yet." The first plan is that we can drain water from the cave and then we will remove the 13 people from the cave.We are now planning how to send nurses and doctors to the cave to check their health and movement.We work all night, "he says. .

Right now they are trying to send doctors and nurses who know how to dive to assess the kids and their coach, we do not know if they can eat, it's been 10 days Rai, Narongsak Osottanakorn [19659013] Prepares food supplies for four months

Four divers, who wore survival kits, managed to enter the cave where the children are trapped, according to Captain Akanand Surawan of the Royal Navy She added that these people would stay with the team and their trainer to offer help.

The authorities plan to provide food for the children and their coach for four months, the captain added. the miners how to dive and so they can leave the cave.

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Surawan said that divers would be sent and additional doctors to the site to provide medical assistance, in addition to which the Air will be pumped into the cave to improve the breathing conditions of the children.

The Search for Children

A joint force of about 1,000 military, sailors, local administrative staff and volunteers collaborated on the research. The United States Government has sent experts to help in the rescue effort.

Rescue teams worked at several access points to the Tham Luang Nang caves and used new maps from the Department of Mineral Resources of Thailand to reduce the area of ​​research

Heavy rains n & # They did not allow the helicopters to go out to find other possible entrances to the caves for a while.

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However, authorities hoped to find the group alive because they had food and as the athletes are physically strong.

They were already in the cave

around 1:00 pm on Saturday, the weather was clear when Prajak Sutham, 14, Pipat Bhodi, 15, and some of his football teammates chained their bicycles to a balustrade, the backpacks were hung The shoulders and up to the cave Tham Luang Nang No in the mountains of northern Thailand

The 12 boys, members of the Wild Boars football team, and their coach of 25, had already explored the cave. [19659003] Popular with tourists, it's a place that locals know well. For the first kilometer inside the cave entrance, the limestone rock formations adhere to the high ceilings, creating an almost amphitheater-like atmosphere.

Further, narrow passages in places that locals warn that it is not safe to go there

For unknown reasons, children and their trainer ventured deeper into the network of caves, beyond the signs that warn people not to enter during the season. rain, which usually starts in July

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