A foreign court intervenes in the Oro Negro trial; prevents companies from recovering platforms


October 24, 2018

In the Ciro TV news in the morning, lawyers and creditors share their versions.

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This Wednesday, October 24, during an interview with Ciro Gmez Leyva for the broadcast of information on Radio Frmula, the lawyers and creditors of the drilling company Black Gold have supported their versions of the legal dispute that They have been entertaining for several weeks.

In a statement to the media, the defense attorney of said drilling services company, Alberto Zinzer, said that the bankruptcy court of the Southern District of New York had ordered creditors to refrain immediately of any legal action. take possession of the platforms.

The order obliges creditors, their representatives and their lawyers, both in the United States and Mexico, to stop trying to recover platforms and can have permanent effects if the judge decides at the hearing to be held October 30th.

In the document sent to the editorial board, Zinzer assured that it notified all involved parties of the order pending execution, as failure to comply with the order could lead to serious consequences, both criminal and civil. ".

For his part, Guillermo Barradas, an advocate of investor creditors, denied that such mediation had been notified and criticized the intervention of foreign judges in this case.

"I have not been warned at all, it's difficult for me to think that a foreign authority can suspend an order of a criminal judge, in violation of the sovereign and political constitution of the country." If there is one, we will comply because we do not commit the offense of resistance to the judicial mandate, unlike them, "he said.

Acus Gonzalo Gil, general manager of Oro Negro, trading in influence.

"They continue Gonzalo Gil, his family and their lawyers.The traffic of influence was first to enrich by using ghost companies to defraud investors and their investors, and now with legal contraventions. to resist a court decision, they are like real criminals, they want to steal the platform, they are not theirs ".

On the situation of the lawyer Ricardo Contreras, who remains on Decus platform pursuant to a court order, said that he had received a "pirate treatment" when he was obliged to leave the premises.

"They want Ricardo to leave, and those who have violated a court order are themselves, they tell the story in the end, why do not they go down," he said.

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