A former Italian mayor asks to imprison Pearl Jam


ROME, Italy.- The dedication to the migrants in the song of "Imagine & # 39; made by Pearl Jam during his concert in Rome, produced these days, not only in the political world, the most absurd reactions

The absurd statements go from a statement by Giorgia Meloni, current politics Silvio Berlusconi, who is not really a teacher of logic, to Rita Pavone who became an icon of the Italian populism

However, who probably surpassed them all, is the former mayor of Riola Sardo a municipality of two thousand people in the province of Oristano.

perhaps interest: They leave thousands of migrants in the desert … and this is not the EU

"The accomplices of the slavers must be arrested . "

He asked Interior Minister Matteo Salvini Eddie Vedder and all members of the band in a Facebook post.

The publication says: "Minister Salvini, have them arrested The accomplices of the murderers who trade in human flesh must be in prison All Journalists, artists, religious, pseudo-politicians, pseudo -men of law, pseudo-writers: the accomplices of slavers must be arrested. "

The saddest day of the group

On June 30, 2000, Pearl Jam experienced his saddest day: Nine people died at a group concert at the Roskilde Festival in Denmark . 19659002] When the group performed at the festival, dozens of people were crushed when the audience rushed to the stage . The tragedy marked a before and after in the Seattle band, which were about to separate. The image of Eddie Vedder crying at the top of the stage went around the world.

In tribute to the victims, the band released the song "Love Boat Captain" on their album Riot Act of 2002.

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