A former Trump lawyer could collaborate in Rusiagate


Washington – Former Donald Trump's personal attorney, Michael Cohen, stated that he was "loyal to his family and his country", which was considered an indication that he would collaborate in the investigation against him. "To be clear, my wife, my daughter and my son and this country have my loyalty above all else," Cohen said in an interview on ABC News yesterday, at a time when he could be arrested in New York.

The lawyer answered the question if he was willing to defend Trump even though he was facing criminal charges in the federal investigation against him in New York or in New York. Mueller's investigation into alleged links between Russia and the campaign.

These words provoked speculation as to whether Cohen had material that could incriminate Trump and that he was "going back" against his former boss, which would be in contradiction with his previous statements, when he assured that "he would be shot by the president".

The FBI registered his home and office in April in the middle of the investigation headed by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller over a possible collusion between Russia and Donald Trump's campaign team in the 2016 presidential election.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan investigate Cohen for violations of the electoral law and possible financial crimes; however, he has not yet been arrested or charged with any crime.

Cohen, who became Trump's personal attorney in 2007, is known to have paid $ 130,000 to porn star Stormy Daniels, shortly before the 2016 presidential election, so that he did not make public an alleged relationship that he had with the president.

However, through the intermediary of White House officials, Trump denied having a relationship with Stormy Daniels.

Cohen claimed that he was using his own money to pay Daniels and Trump did not return this amount.

Trump then said that he had done it, although he first denied having knowledge of the payment – which is the subject of a federal criminal investigation. – independent of Mueller – because it could be a violation of the laws on the financing of the election campaign.

"I'm not the bad guy in this story, and I will not allow others to try to describe me as such," Cohen said. "I want to recover my name, my reputation and my life."

In the interview, Cohen avoided repeating that he came to agreement with Daniels by himself and that Trump knew nothing about the disbursement

. One day, I will answer. But for the moment, I can not comment further because of my lawyer's advice, "Cohen said when asked.

In May, Trump admitted that he had funded the $ 130,000 payment that Cohen had paid to the actress. although he argued that it was legal because "it had nothing to do with the election campaign."

Cohen, popularly known as Trump's "fixer" for having been responsible for years of solving the problems of the real estate mogul, recently hired a prestigious attorney, Guy Petrillo, who was a federal prosecutor at Manhattan and knows first-hand the office that is now investigating his client.

Once Petrillo becomes Cohen's main defender in the coming days, an agreement will expire. Common defense that Trump has signed with his personal lawyer, and through which his legal teams could share information and documents, according to ABC News.

This opens the door to a possible conflict between the legal interests of Cohen and Trump, who predicts in April that his personal attorney would never turn against him "despite the horrific witch hunt".

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