A glass of red wine equates to one hour of exercise


Moderate consumption of red wine with your exercise routine, may be that "little push" you need to lose the extra pounds.

We all dream of the minimum of effort to get the best results in the gym, but if you've said that maybe you just need a glass of red wine, that do you think?

According to a study from the University of Alberta, red wine is rich in resveratrol, which can increase heart rate and muscle performance

Then, a glass of red wine a day could have the same effects on the body as an hour of exercises that make you sweat.

Improve Your Physical Performance

A good dose of Resveratrol improves your physical state, as your heart function is regulated and your muscle strength is increased.

Moderate consumption of red wine with your exercise routine, may be that "little push" you need to lose the extra pounds.

With this discovery, scientists will test with diabetic patients, to find out what is the response to the exposure of resveratrol, in order to improve their health and heart rate.

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