A highly contagious disease could rebound in Brazil


The Ministry of Health warned today that 312 Brazilian municipalities had immunization coverage against polio less than 50% of the population, which could promote the reoccurrence of a disease that was endemic in the country. After a meeting with representatives of different states and municipalities to discuss the issue, the ministry said in a statement that in the territories lacking adequate vaccination coverage, there is a possibility of resurgence of poliomyelitis. .

"The risk exists for all municipalities with less than 95% coverage," said the National Immunization Program (NIP) coordinator Carla Domingues, quoted in the statement.

"We must keep in mind that vaccination is the only way to prevent polio and other diseases that no longer circulate in the country," so that all children of under five years as part of routine immunization, they must be vaccinated, "it's a matter of social responsibility," he added.

Domingues claimed that from the health portfolio, they perform "constant work" in order to obtain adequate immunization coverage for all children, which depends to a large extent on the attention parents.

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