A lawyer calls on Trump to release "El Chapo"


NEW YORK, USA.- Joaquin Guzman Loera's lawyer, Eduardo Balarezo, asked US President Donald Trump to do something to free El Chapo who, he said that he was a hostage.

After Trump pleaded for the government of Turkey to release Pastor Andrew Brunson, who was arrested for being involved in a coup attempt in 2016, Balarezo called for peasant liberation "Guzmán Loera.

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On his Twitter account, Trump said it was "a total misfortune that Turkey I did not release the respected American pastor, Andrew Brunson, from prison. He was taken hostage for a long time. Erdogan should do something to free this wonderful Christian, husband and father. He has done nothing wrong and his family needs it, "he said.

Using the same words of the American president, Balarezo asked Trump to release the cartel leader Sinaloa. to the respected Mexican peasant El Chapo, from the prison He was taken hostage for a long time Trump should do something to free this wonderful Christian, husband and father He did nothing wrong and his family needs of him, "he said.

It is expected that the trial for drug trafficking against Joaquín Guzmán Loera, El Chapo Guzmán & # 39; Begins next November, after the New York court I postponed it for two months.

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