A letter from Grupo México warning against a "populist" model is valid: TEPJF


The Special Chamber of the Electoral Court of the Federal Judicial Branch (TEPJF) has decided that the letter sent by Germán Larrea, President of the Board of Grupo México, to his employees, warns of the risks of a "populist" model, in reference to Andrés Manuel López Obrador, is a valid action.

"From the analysis of the contents of the letter, the attribution of a false fact or a crime is not noticed, but it was There is no coercion or call to vote for or against any political force ] or candidacy in particular, "said the agency statement.

In the letter published in May, the businessman does not write directly the name of López Obrador, but he refers to it when he assures that the concessions that the The company obtained is not the product of compadrazgos or corruption, "Morena's candidate in reference to the concession scheme".

The morenista said during his campaign that Larrea obtained a concession from the Cananea mine thanks to the exmandatario Carlos Salinas de Gortari, since it was sold at 400 million pesos when it was valued at $ 2 billion.

In the letter, Germán Larrea states that "this economic model", in reference to the supposed proposition of Tabasco, would affect the family economy, and the well-being of the country and uses as an example in Venezuela, of which " it is not necessary to be an expert in economics to see its consequences. "

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