A man dies after a brutal shark attack in Australia


A man dies after the attack of a shark in Australia

A man dies after the attack of a shark in Australia


A 33 year old man dead after being attacked by a shark in the Whitsundays Islands, in northeastern Australia, and becomes the third victim since September in this same region, the local media reported today.

L & # 39; attack it arrived the afternoon of Monday in Cid Bay, where the man was swimming and practice paddleboard with friends in a tourist area, according to the local ABC channel.

The man was evacuated to Mackay Hospital, a city in the state of Queensland, for an injury operation on his leg and wrist, but he did not survive.

He suffered several serious bites, a large blood loss and a heart attack, "said Ben McCauley, one of the rescuers, the site and a nurse.

Paramedics consider that this attack was worse than two previous, occurred during several incidents in Cid Bay last September, in which a 12-year-old girl lost her leg and another 46-year-old woman was seriously injured.

Before the attacks in September, theQueensland authorities set longlines and slaughter six sharks, five of which were dreaded tiger sharks.

Shark attacks occur occasionally in Australia, where about 180 species of sharks live.

According to studies by the governmental scientific agency CSIRO at the beginning of the year, Australia has about 2 thousand 210 white shark adult specimens, considered the most dangerous.

With information from EFE


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