A man dies after jumping from the AICM bridge


Photo credit: Special

Mexico.- A 45-year-old man lost his life after being thrown from a pedestrian bridge located near Terminal 1 of the airport. Mexico City International Airport (AICM)

According to the Indianco by the capital authorities, the subject was in a street situation.

On the scene of the events arrived elements of the heroic fire department and paramedics of the Emergency Medical Squadron (ERUM)) to try to persuade him to throw, but they did not succeed and ended up throwing themselves of the structure of more than 20 meters high.

After the fall, it was reported that the man did not die instantly, however the emergency services They diagnosed a cranioencephalic trauma, after which they transferred it at the Balbuena hospital aboard a helicopter from the Ministry of Public Security.

A few minutes after arriving in the emergency room area of ​​the medical center, it was reported that the man eventually died.

The Public Prosecutor's Office of Territorial Coordination in Venustiano Carranza Three opened an investigation case for the crime of culpable homicide for other causes. fbAsyncInit = function () {
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