A man set fire to a woman in Peru


Lima.- A woman suffered burns in Peru after being the victim of a feminicide attempt when she was sprayed with fuel by a man, a case similar to the one that cost Eyvi Ágreda's life at the beginning of the month and who indignant and dismayed According to the authorities, this attack took place Friday in the city of Cajamarca, in the north of the country, when a man sprayed fuel on a food vendor and l & # 39; 39, set fire, according to the report. Today, the local media

The National Police today arrested the alleged perpetrator, identified as Esneider Estela, 22, who was living with the victim's sister, the official said. Ministry of the Interior in a statement

. 31 years old, suffered severe burns and remains hospitalized at the Regional Teaching Hospital of Cajamarca, said today the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP), which is waiting in the case she wants to be transferred to a medical center in Lima to receive more specialized care

The partner of the woman is being investigated by the national police of Peru, to which she testified in a police station of Cajamarca. [19659002] The case recalls its resemblance to that of Eyvi Ágreda, 22, who died in early June after being hospitalized for more than a month because of severe burns caused by the aggression of Carlos Javier Hualpa, his femicide, by spraying it with gasoline and He is incarcerated inside a public transport bus to Lima

Hualpa, which is remanded in custody since nine months pending trial, told the authorities that he had acted despite the woman's refusal to have a relationship. with him.

Information from EFE.

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