A migrant from Caravana changes her itinerary; go to Acuyacan


A migrant from Caravana changes her itinerary; go to Acuyacan

Migrants travel suspended in trailers and at the back of canals. Photo: Cuartoscuro


Once the caravan of migrants arrived in the community of Donají de Matías Romero, in the state of Oaxaca, in the south of the country, he decided to continue his journey towards Acayucan, municipality located in Veracruz.

The Central Americans said that they did not want to stay in this community of Oaxaca because there was no room for them and the rain threatens them.

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According to some elements of the federal police, migrants continue to visit this municipality of Veracruz. However, they they have the indication to protect them in Donají, since he had planned his stay this Friday.

And it is that Donají, the first members of the caravan of migrants, arrived very early, suspended in trailers leading to Veracruz, others in the back of pipelines carrying hazardous materials or demanding a "raite".

Although there are also those who, with the little money they bring, cooperate to pay for a taxi that prevents them from walking miles from the headquarters of the municipality Matías Romero, where, yesterday, they remained concentrated in the sports club Ejidal Emiliano Zapata.

While between danger, despair and sadness, alone, in pairs or in small groups, the other members of the contingent are still walking to reach Acayucan, where they must decide the route to follow today.

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Everyone can not wait to get to Mexico City and they advance without rest under a cloudy sky, but with a warm atmosphere; some carry their children in their arms, others hang strollers, joke or wonder how long it takes to get there.

The Transistmica highway is very narrow and the vehicles, most of the heavy loads, come and go, and along the shore, the migrants walk suitcase by hand, with bags and backpacks on their backs.

In Donají, many were already waiting for the caravan, but unlike other places, they only looked at the windows and the roofs of the houses. There are shops that for today are closed, as well as locals who for the sake of safety, they say, are kept at home at home.

They only take pictures or record videos, but they do not go out to deliver coffee, fruit or anything to eat or drink because they were received at Niltepec, Juchitán or Matías Romerotherefore, the contingent advances and it is necessary to see how Veracruzans receives and supports it.

The migrating exodus caravan continues its journey through Mexico after leaving Dam Pedro Osula (Honduras) on 12 October. They crossed the Chiapas and since Sunday they have traveled the territory of Oaxaca.

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Yesterday, a group, mostly women, chose to reach Mexico City by crossing the capital of this entity, believing that it was dangerous to take a road to Veracruz, but the bulk of the caravan will be in Donají today.

The goal is to reach the capital of the country and to express to the local and federal governments the needs of the group, composed mostly of Hondurans. There are those who want to stay in the country, especially in the north, but almost all go to the border with the United States.


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