A migrant in a caravan advances from Querétaro to Guanajuato


From 6 am this Sunday, the contingent of caravan of migrants integrated by more than 5,000 people, housed in the Corregidora stadium have resumed their passage.

Gradually, the large contingent advances on the Highway 57, guarded by members of the State Police and Civil Protection, up to the crossing of this road with the 39. Highway 45, which will lead to the state of Guanajuato.

A caravan migrant divides and advances to Guanajuato, Jalisco and Aguascalientes

Central Americans call on the goodwill and support of Mexicans to ask for a means of transportation that will help them get to their destination quickly and safely.

Caravan of migrants in the camp in front of La Corregidora stadium in Querétaro (Reuters)

Caravan of migrants in the camp in front of La Corregidora stadium in Querétaro (Reuters)


The migrant march continues to Tijuana, Baja California, and this morning they crossed the Celaya Cuota stand. During his trip, the authorities of the public security of the Querétaro They provide support.

In their @Gobqro account, the authorities said that the first group of migrants had arrived at Celaya's booth quota, where the state authorities of Guanajuato were waiting for them to resume their trip in an orderly manner towards Tijuana.

They indicated that the operation in the state of Querétaro had occurred in the past two days and that it would continue continuously with the participation of the three levels of government, in order to accompany the caravan of migrants.

In this entity, they allocated spaces for the rest of the migrants, with attention, hydration and food to the territory of Queretaro, while they were on their way to the border town of Tijuana.

The interinstitutional working group reported that during the Saturday, more than five thousand people had arrived from the migrant caravan in Querétaro, located in the various shelters in the Corregidora, Macrolibramiento and San Juan stadiums. del Río.

The members of the Salvadoran caravan in Oaxaca are quoted


The State Unit for Civil Protection and Firefighters of Jalisco (UEPCBJ) today announced that 396 migrants had left the Benito Juarez auditorium in Zapopan for the United States.

He noted that 124 migrants are those who are still settled in the Benito Juárez auditorium.

He explained that to attend the migrant caravan during its passage through Jalisco, the Benito Juárez Auditorium was set up as a temporary shelter, where there is a rest area for men, women and children , with bathrooms, showers and dining rooms. health, migration and psychological orientation.

The state attorney general coordinates security issues with the Jalisco coordination group, where federal and municipal authorities participate with two seat belts in the perimeter of the enclosure, as well as with the UEPCBJ, who is responsible for the command center.

The actions of the Jalisco Ministry of Health are done through the Emergency Medical Care System (SAMU), which coordinates the health modules and the 10 ambulances in place, in the same way as the mobile hospital, which counts with module intensive therapy, gynecological and emergency service.

The municipality of Zapopan has made two ambulances available. Similarly, it supports the Red Cross, while the University of Guadalajara has set up medical care modules with more than 500 volunteers.

In order to provide catering services, DIF Jalisco has installed two mobile kitchens and equipment, as well as 15 dining room boards and 200 chairs from the state government.

For the site to be in optimal conditions, there is a garbage collection service, a drinking water network and a motor pump.

The State Commission for Human Rights of Jalisco is present throughout the operation to ensure that the human rights of migrants are respected during their stay in this entity.

With information from Edgar Tamayo and Notimex


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