A mother arrested for drowning her baby


A young mother in Arizona he tried to deceive the authorities; reported as missing his son from an old month, then he discovered that he had killed and kept his body in a sack.

Last Wednesday, Jenna Folwell reported to authorities in Arizona the "kidnapping" of your baby. He said a stranger approached while trying to place the baby in his car and covered his face with his son disappearing.

The police Chandler He appeared in place to lift the statement of the mother and asked for access to the house for inspection. During the examination of the house, they discovered the reality: they found the baby dead in a black bag.

Authorities with a warrant, examined Folwell's phone, where they found strange inquiries. Jenna did some research "Instant Ways to Die", "Missing Babies Case", "How long do babies need to drown? »,« Why parents kill their babies ». Researchers have found more than a hundred research in this regard.

The woman finally confessed the truth admitted to leave her baby in the bathtub to drown. The reason: I did not want to hear him crying.

Jenna Folwell He added that the minute immerse your child in the repented bathtub and tried to give him breathing, but it was too late; He was dead Then he placed the baby in a bag and moved to the park, where he raised the complaint for kidnapping.

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Authorities said the child was still wet when he was found.

The woman was confronted on Thursday at her first hearing, where he faces charges of first-degree murder. The baby's father asked the judge not to grant the mother bail bail application was not relevant to the judge. The woman received a deposit of $ 1 million.

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