A mountain climber dies in Peru


Peru.- Two mountaineers of Mexican origin died last Wednesday while they were trying to reach the summit of Nevado Artesonraju in Peru There this is Daniel Araiza Chávez ] and Enrique González of 29 and 24 years.

The tragedy arose when the two descending recall would have broken off the wall before the fall of an ice block fragmented by cracks, information published by a communications company.

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According to 20 Minutes the expedition consisted of 15 mountaineers Mexicans, one from among them was originally from the city of Los Mochis Sinaloa, who responded to the name of Enrique González.

After the fatal accident, his companions immediately notified the rescue teams without however, what The bodies had no more vital signs.

They were unlucky and they were not mistaken as much as it is obvious. The conditions of the mountain can be unpredictable and occurred on this occasion.

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The president of the Association of High Mountain Guides Rafael Figueroa, confirmed the news and reported that the Ice block slide buried the Mexican citizens when they came down from the snow.

He added that the relief expedition, consisting of police officers and members of the House of Huaraz Guides, left last night the place of the accident and is currently evacuating the bodies of tourists.

"The accident occurred when they were 60 meters from the glacier, apparently the fall of a ledge triggered the disaster," he said. It should be noted that there are already five people who have lost their lives in the White Cordillera, so far this year. On June 30, two foreign climbers and a Peruvian guide died while climbing on the Alpamayo meadow.

In this note:

  • tragedy
  • Mexican mountaineers die
  • Mount Mochite
  • Enrique González
  • Araiza Chávez
  • Nevado Artesonraju
  • Peru

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