A murdered journalist is threatened, reports the UN-DH


The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN-DH) in Mexico condemned the murder of journalist José Guadalupe Chan Dzib, recorded Friday night at Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo, and The communicator had been threatened in recent weeks, but he still had no safeguards.

Meanwhile, the Attorney General of Quintana Roo opened an investigation into the murder of the journalist

Chan Dzib was working for the weekly Playa News Here and now, and in another way called Tabano , in which he covered the source of the police. According to the information of the attack, the journalist was in a bar in this town when a subject came in and opened fire on him

He said that "he had learned that Chan Dzib had received threats against him in recent weeks and that he would have communicated it to the authorities without any protective measures being adopted ", adding that he was also aware that other journalists from the region have been intimidated in recent months, including the general director of the media in which Chan collaborated.

He points out that with his assassination, at least eight journalists were murdered in the first six months of 2018, while another is still missing, "making this year the only one." one of the most tragic in the history of journalism in Mexico ". [19659002] He called on the authorities to conduct a thorough and rapid investigation into the assassination of Chan Dzib, to find the perpetrators and intellectuals of aggression. He said the survey should consider journalistic activity as one of his lines of research, as well as the context of threats against members of the press in the locality. He also asked that the authorities provide the necessary care for the journalist's family and guarantee the protection of his colleagues.

UN-DH reiterated the importance of a free and independent press that informs without fear of contributing to a democratic society. therefore, he urged the authorities to adopt structural measures that generate changes in the working conditions of journalists in the country.

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