A new feature of WhatsApp that can cause controversy in groups – 07/02/2018


WhatsApp works hard to improve the groups one of the most popular functions of the application, and now implements a new feature which will gives more power to the administrators.

The new tool, which can already be used by those who have version beta of the application, allows administrators to silence all users who participate in a group cat, except for themselves.

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It is a function we have been talking about for a long time and which potentially can radically change the use of groups transforming them into something very similar to Telegram channels.

In this way, administrators will be able to take advantage of the novelty of temporarily silencing very large and noisy groups. for example, to give an important communication. Or simply to end the most boring participants.

  The new feature WhatsApp

The new feature WhatsApp

This means that normal participants can still read messages in chat but they can not share their answers with others . In fact, the function of writing messages does not appear, and in its place there is a poster that explains that only administrators can send messages . who can send messages, selecting between the "Only Administrators" and "All Participants" options. This feature is still in the launch phase with the latest versions of WhatsApp: 2.18..201 for Android and 2.18.70 for iOS. It will be available on all operating systems, even if you have to wait a few days for the update to appear.

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to give permission to speak a member of the group, the administrator may appoint him director in turn. This may seem like a minor change, but it's a good news for all those who use group cats regularly. In fact, these group conversations are often created to quickly share information with many people, such as the details of a wedding or work plans.

But when people who participate in a group are numerous, it is very easy to enter a dizziness of notifications . Most of the time, the conversation departs from the subject and can be frustrating for people who do not appreciate the charm of a long inactive chatter. With the new WhatsApp update, the administrator will be able to easily maintain control on the development of conversations, simply limiting active participants . The most talkative are already notified.

Source: The Vanguardia

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