A passenger kills a public transport thief


Antonio lied to his wife when he said that he was selling candy in trucks. He died after being shot by a passenger, he attempted to attack on board a passenger bus. This in Mexico.

Yesterday, June 27, before 5 o'clock in the morning, Antonio – 27 years old – left his house in Iztapalapa to meet his two accomplices, one of them named Erwin.

A few minutes later, the three men board a truck on Highway 50 that runs along Las Torres Avenue

STRATEGIC PLACES. They approached the unit as passengers, but were placed in strategic locations. Antonio in the footstep of the truck, another of his accomplices in the middle and the third behind.

While Antonio was pointing his gun at the driver and was threatening, the other assailants stole phones and money from the passengers

. strip the driver's assistant of his belongings. When he was asked to deliver the cellphone, Jesus – aged 17 – responded that he no longer had it because he had been robbed in another burglary. In response, Antonio hit the minor

Seeing what happened, a man who was traveling in the truck fired a gun and fired at the criminal.

SEARCH FOR REFUGE. The detonation forced the rest of the passengers to take shelter under the seats and to let Antonio's accomplices escape.

The driver continued on his way to help the wounded man, but on arriving at Periférico Sur, the man died

. Location arrived a woman named Cecilia, who said that she was the wife of the deceased. After identifying him, he said that her husband was selling candy in trucks; however, he did not know why Antonio had a revolver in his hand.

El Gráfico

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