A police officer helped a homeless man shave for a job interview


Mexico City /

Despite the bad reputation that US police officers receive, we have recently seen cases of officers assisting Other people not to lose their jobs.

On this occasion, officer Tony Carlson of the Tallahassee Police Department, Florida, was filmed helping a homeless man to shave, while he had a job interview at a McDonald 's.

Carlson said in a Facebook post that the man named Phil had told him that they would hire him at the restaurant as long as he would be shaved. The officer said that the man had asked him if he knew how to fix the razors because he was broken.

"The knife had no screws so I pressed the other so that it stays fixed and works," writes the officer. When he gave him the knife, he noticed that Phil was struggling to shave since he had no mirror, so he decided to help him.

The moment was captured in video by a person who gave it to the police department who posted it later on their Facebook page and which has so far been shared more than 1500 times.

However, some people stayed With the doubt, if Phil had gotten the job, agent Carlson said that the man had told him that the restaurant manager had assured him that the job was the his, but that he needed his identification number and social security.

Carlson later told the man that he had good news when he was contacted by the office of Senator Marco Rubio who sent him the forms that Phil had to fill out in order to get the job done. obtain the necessary documents.

"Phil was very excited and assured me that he would be ready on Thursday," said Carlson, adding that on Friday, July 27, they will give an update on how Phil did.



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