A possible dengue epidemic in Mexicali is still present


by: Uniradio Informa – 26 October 2018 at 20:30

By: UniMexicali

MEXICALI.- After the passing of the "Rosa" storm in Baja California, the Ministry of Health alerted the Department of Epidemiology, warning of a possible dengue outbreak in communities affected by rains .

After more than three weeks of rains, the mosquito "Aedes Aegypti", vector of diseases like dengue, zika and chikungunya, continues to multiply, according to the latest information reported by Guadalupe Victoria del Valle Mexicali or kilometer 43 is the area of ​​the municipality and the entire state in which the mosquito is more present.

The last dengue outbreak that occurred in Baja California occurred in 2015, year in which 214 cases of infection were identified among the population, mainly from the state capital.

According to a projection from the Department of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health, a dengue epidemic could cost up to $ 100 million, direct and indirect.

To prevent a new outbreak, it is recommended to the population to apply Lava, Tapa, Voltea and Tira and thus avoid the accumulation of water in containers that can serve as breeding sites mosquitoes.

Néstor Saúl Hernández, Head of the Department of Epidemiology at ISESALUD, said that despite the fact that three weeks had passed since the rains caused by the tropical storm "Rosa", the risk of a new outbreak of dengue persisted.


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