A Samsung Galaxy Note 9 white could be on the way – eju.tv


The current high-end Samsung is the Samsung Galaxy Note 9, the phablet of the firm launched last August, with a full range of colors. Now a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 image in white took us by surprise, advancing a possible variant of the upcoming terminal.

Despite a few months since its launch, the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 remains the enemy to beat in the high-end by other manufacturers, like the Huawei Mate 20X, the new Chinese terminal that also arrives with a pencil that is clean.

Is the white color of this Samsung Galaxy Note 9 real?

The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 was probably the most colorful note generation we've ever seen, especially in its blue version that combined with a yellow S-Pen. Well, there is still no certainty, but one of the industry's leading fugitives, and thus reputed, has filtered the image of a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 in white. An image that Evan Blass shared with some irony.

<img data-attachment-id = "729854" data-permalink = "http://eju.tv/2016/04/contrabando-deja-bs-123-millones-perdidas-textileros-bolivianos-tres-meses/la- Customs gave smuggling a blow in beni Customs sealed an agreement with the factory textile sector to add to-checks-against-smuggling-2 / "data-orig-file = "https://i0.wp.com/eju.tv/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/5724c230037fc.jpeg?fit=600% 2C310" data-orig-size = "600 310" data-comments-open = "0" data-image-meta = "{" opening ":" 0 "," credit ":" "," camera ":" "," caption ":" "," created_timestamp ":" 0 "," copyright ":" "," focal_length ":" 0 "," iso ":" 0 "," shutter_speed ":" 0 "," title "": "", "orientation": "0"} "data-image -title = "The customs authorities have dealt a blow to smuggling in Beni. Customs authorities signed an agreement with contraband textile manufacturers "data-image-description ="


"data-medium-file =" https://i0.wp.com/eju.tv/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/5724c230037fc.jpeg?fit=600%2C310 "data-large-file =" https : //i0.wp.com/eju.tv/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/5724c230037fc.jpeg? fit = 600% 2C310 "class =" lazy-hidden size-wide wp-image-729854 aligncenter "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAAAAIBRAA7 "data-lazy-type =" image "data-lazy-src =" https://i2.wp.com/eju.tv/wp-content/ uploads / 2018/11 / 5bdf5cb5630fd. jpg? resize = 589% 2C650 "alt =" Samsung Galaxy Note 9 "width =" 589 "height =" 650 "data-lazy-srcset =" https: //i2.wp. com / eju.tv / wp-content / uploads / 2018/11 / 5bdf5cb5630fd.jpg? resize = 589% 2C650 589w, https://www.movilzona.es/app/uploads/2018/11/galaxy-note-9 -blanco-272×300.jpg 272w, https://www.movilzona.es/app/ uploads / 2018/11 / galaxy-note-9-white-768×848.jpg 768w, https://www.movilzona.es/app/uploads/2018/11/galaxy-note-9-blanco-301×332.jpg 301w " data-lazy-sizes = "(max-width: 589px) 100vw, 589px" data-recalc-dims = "1" pagespeed_url_hash = "185975922 2" onload = "pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality (this); "/>


"data-medium-file =" https://i0.wp.com/eju.tv/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/5724c230037fc.jpeg?fit=600%2C310 "data-large-file =" https : //i0.wp.com/eju.tv/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/5724c230037fc.jpeg? fit = 600% 2C310 "class =" large-size wp-image-729854 aligncenter "src =" https: //i2.wp.com/eju.tv/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/5bdf5cb5630fd.jpg? resize = 589% 2C650 "alt =" Samsung Galaxy Note 9 "width =" 589 "height =" 650 "srcset =" https://i2.wp.com/eju.tv/wp-content/uploads/2018/11 /5bdf5cb5630fd.jpg?resize=589%2C650 589w, https://www.movilzona.es/app/uploads/2018/11/galaxy-note-9-blanco-272×300.jpg 272w, https: //www.movilzona .es / app / uploads / 2018/11 / galaxy-note-9-blanco-768×848.jpg 768w, https://www.movilzona.es/app/uploads/2018/11/galaxy-note-9-blanco- 301×332.jpg 301w "values ​​=" (maximum width: 589px) 100vw, 589px "data-recalc dims =" 1 "pagespeed_url_hash =" 922863141 "/>

Ask your followers to check for photoshop in the image. An image that of course, even as he recognized, seems quite legitimate, being a rendering without any trace of editing in Photoshop, but created from a 3D CAD. Anyway, it seems that there is a real chance that Samsung launches a white version of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9. A version that would join the existing colors, namely the Ocean blue, midnight black and lavender purple. No doubt it could be an ideal version for the winter season, for the association we usually make of this white color with the coldest weather.

A Samsung Galaxy Note 9 that will be taken from the high-end Samsung by the Samsung Galaxy S10, which should be presented in February at the MWC 2019, or at the latest in March, as we have seen in recent years. A Samsung Galaxy S10 that probably comes with a feature that was prevalent at the time for the Galaxy Note 9, just like the fingerprint reader under the screen and even a triple camera. Who knows if we will also see a Samsung Galaxy S10 whitelike this one, since one must recognize that he feels very good to him.

Written by Jorge Sanz

Source: movilzona.es

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