A shark drags a woman in the water who tried to feed him by hand


The Australian Melissa Brunning, 34 lived last May one of the worst moments of her life, according to the Australian channel 7 News. The young woman, who was on vacation in Dugong Bay, in northern Australia, was on the deck of a ship when she saw several specimens of griffin nurse shark around the boat.

Brunning approached one of them, who was more than two meters tall, with the intention of feeding him with his hand. But the shark did not just take the food offered by the woman, but grabbed her index finger and pushed it into the water, as shown in a video collected by 7 News and published by Brunning herself on her Facebook account.

"It happened very quickly, all I could really think about was the fact that my finger was gone, that the shark had been squeezing it and that he had l & # 39; print to crush the bone, "said Brunning. . After falling into the water, the woman started screaming for help and her colleagues quickly climbed aboard the ship.

After the attack, the Australian believed that she had lost her finger. It was not like that, but he suffered a fracture, rupture of a broken ligament and a serious infection, according to the Sky News. "I went up and said that I had lost my finger, I could not even look at it because I thought it was gone, and I thought if I looked at it, I would probably be shocked, "Brunning told Channel 7 News.

Dugong Bay is commonly known for the presence of sharks and saltwater crocodiles that can grow up to seven meters long and weigh a ton. Griffon nurse sharks have a powerful jaw and several rows of teeth. Brunning acknowledged that it was a mistake to try to feed the shark and warned in various media of the danger that this entailed: "Just be aware of your environment and do not feed the sharks."

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