A shooting to death in the protest against Ortega


A group of strangers fired on the crowd during a massive protest to repudiate the government of Daniel Ortega, leaving a dead person and eleven wounded, including a girl.

The 23-year-old Luis Manuel Ortiz Martínez, a street vendor, was shot in the head, said the secretary of the Standing Committee on Human Rights (CPDH), Marcos Carmona, to the Canal 100% Noticias.

According to the same chain, organized by the opposition Civic Alliance, groups of "paramilitaries" fired on protesters who left the march.

The television showed images of a bleeding head girl, while at least five protesters were transferred to nearby hospitals. 19659002] "It can not be! The story is repeated.It is reported that a group of protesters (…) was attacked with bullets.There are at least two wounded.More repression! ", tweeted Bishop Silvio Báez, auxiliary bishop of Managua and critic of the government

For its part, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), which maintained a mission to Nicaragua for a week, he said through a tweet that he "was receiving information about the shots against the protesters" and that they had provisionally three wounded.

Shortly before the shootings , the IACHR reiterated to the government its recommendation to guarantee the safety of the wounded, and they demonstrated in the capital and in other cities of Nicaragua

meanwhile, the presidents of Central America and of the Dominican Republic approved a special declaration on Nicaragua at a summit in Santo Domingo yesterday, in which they urgently call for an immediate cessation. social and political violence suffered by this nation.

The leaders of the so-called Central American Integration System (SICA) sent their "Investigations to the families of the victims" of the political crisis in Nicaragua, where more than 280 people have died since April 18, while emphasizing that the preservation of internal peace is the responsibility of all social writers. "

praised the willingness of the government of Ortega and the sectors that make up the society of this country of Central America to "reaffirm its vocation for dialogue, oriented towards the search for agreements".

The leaders of the region hailed the support of the Organization of American States (OAS), the IACHR and the United Nations, as well as the Nicaraguan Episcopal Conference in the dialogue, although it has not paid for peace in the country.

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