A sniper murders a mayor linked to drug trafficking


MANILA, Philippines – A Filipino mayor accused of having links with drug traffickers was killed by a sniper amidst a ceremony in broad daylight, said the local police

. Univisión and information of AFP, Antonio Halili, who was even denounced by President Rodrigo Duterte, was shot in the chest during the flag-raising ceremony at Tananuan City Hall, south of Manila.

The situation caused chaos and panic among the people who attended the ceremony, and the bodyguards even fought back, although the gunman managed to escape

" with civilians (video)

Halili died shortly after at the hospital.

According to the chief of police, Renato Mercado, the shooting was done at a distance of 150 meters "It was extraordinary, it could not have been done by an ordinary person, its capabilities are comparable to those of a qualified sniper," he said at the conference.

Halili's original address was to Duterte, stating that shared the president's harsh policy against drug trafficking, which left thousands of people dead. clashes between security forces and criminals.

But in 2017, his name appears in the "narco-historian" of Duterte [1 9659002] Following this revelation, the national authorities removed control of the local police, although Halili has always denied the charges.

While political killings in the Philippines are not a novelty, Halili 's death, in broad daylight and as part of a denunciation of the president, caused a scandal

"It s. clearly acts of a case extrajudicial execution resulting from the call "A war on drugs launched by the government," said the senator and leader of the government. opposition, Francis Pangilinan, in a statement

: "This is the Filipino image of the Wild West that extinguished the desires of local and foreign investors.", he added

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