A spider bite causes leg loss in Arkansas


Kiara Boulton resident of the city of West Memphis in Arkansas United States, underwent amputation of one of his legs after a " ] spider violonist "I bit him on a toe."

The woman acknowledged that she did not feel the sting and realized until she took a shower.

Kiara Boulton Diabetic for 10 years, went to the hospital, where he received special drugs. However, three days after the bite, her toe turned black.

The woman quickly went to the emergency room of the same hospital, where her doctors told her that her leg had to be amputated immediately. Since thenKiara has undergone 7 surgeries so that the venom of " violin spider " does not spread through his body.

" fiddler spider " belonging to the family Sicariidae is extremely dangerous since its powerful necrotic venom can cause serious damage to the internal organs of people, in addition to Affect the extremities and even cause death.

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