A strange portal appears in Soto Solitario


  Portal in solitaire soto fortnite

After a little over an hour and a half that one of the most anticipated events of Fortnite arrived, the launch of the rocket still in progress various events which should culminate with the beginning of season 5 of Fortnite .

SEE: This was the only time launching the rocket at Fortnite

. In the writing of this article, we begin to notice the appearance of what appears to be a portal in Soto Solitario .

The following video shows the current form, at the time of writing the article, of what it is supposed to be a portal and it appeared from launch of the rocket in the fortress .

The video was taken by a famous fortnite information site in English called Fortnite Intel whose Twitter account @FortniteBR shared the video.

It is still uncertain the future that will have Royal Royal Battle and the changes that will occur in the coming days to begin the season 5 .

In case you missed the ] launch of the rocket here we leave you another record of the full event recorded by the Twitter account @LootLakeBR : [19659007] Here is our cinematic POV launch of the rocket! ? #Fortnite pic.twitter.com/4uKELJi2za

– LootLake.net | All Fortnite Battle Royale (@LootLakeBR) June 30, 2018

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