"A stroke must be treated quickly"


Stroke (stroke) or stroke is a medical emergency, the speed with which the person receives attention is crucial for their survival and to avoid serious irreversible consequences, since approximately 1.9 million neurons are lost every three minutes (633 miles per minute) after the event.

Rajan Gadhia, a specialist in the neurology department at Houston Methodist Hospital, said that stroke occurs when blood flow is interrupted somewhere in the brain. oxygen or nutrients, which cause the death of neurons, almost immediately.

He explained that the accident can be ischemic, when a clot interrupts the blood circulation; or haemorrhagic, when there is bleeding in the brain.

It occurs more frequently in adults over 60; When the person manages to survive the stroke, she may suffer severe disabilities such as permanent language problems, weakness, headaches, cognitive dysfunction, facial paralysis, and so on.

"About 1.9 million neurons are lost every three minutes after a stroke, medical attention should not be delayed, every second involves the loss of brain tissue," Gadhia said in a publication on the welfare news of this hospital.

As part of World Brain Day, celebrated on July 22, he pointed out that high blood pressure diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking and lack of physical activity are risk factors for stroke.

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