A strong storm surprises CDMX; leaves 26 floods


Heavy rains recorded during the Friday afternoon in the country's capital caused 26 floods in 11 delegations, according to the archives of the Command, Control, Computer, Communications and Citizens Center (C5), as well as as the temporary suspension of operations at the Mexico City International Airport (AICM).

The brigades of the Urban Management Agency (AGU), the Civil Protection Secretariat of the CDMX and the Fire Department attended it was informed in a communiqué

The Secretariat of Civil Protection of the capital activated the orange alert until 21:00 hours by storm zone in delegations Azcapotzalco, Benito Juárez, Cuauhtémoc, Gustavo A. Madero and Miguel Hidalgo, because the amount of rain could reach levels of 49 millimeters with gusts of wind up to 59 kilometers per hour.

] While the yellow has been updated in the areas of Álvaro Obregón, Coyoacán, Cuajimalpa, Iztacalco, Iztapalapa, Magdalena Contreras, Milpa Alta, Tláhuac , Tlalpan, Venustiano Carranza and Xochimilco, by 29 mm of rain and 49 km / h of wind. 19659004] It is maintained #AlertaAmarilla by the zone of storm in the delegations Álvaro Obregón, Coyoacán, Cuajimalpa, Iztacalco, Iztapalapa, Magdalena Contreras, Milpa Alta, Tláhuac, Tlalpan, Venustiano Carranza and Xochimilco pic .twitter .com / oyh7uhjc7n

– ProtecciónCivil CDMX (@SPCCDMX) July 14, 2018

The AICM reported that the take-off and landing operations were suspended during few minutes because of weather problems. At the time, the service was standardized, but it invited users to stay in touch with their airline to know the status of their flight.

The Collective Transport System (STC) has set up a network security march

It has been confirmed that the presence of rain is maintained in Tláhuac, Tlalpan, Iztapalapa, Coyoacán Álvaro Obregón, Iztacalco and Miguel Hidalgo; in Venustiano Carranza, Gustavo A. Madero, Magdalena Contreras and Benito Juárez; with hail in Cuajimalpa.

The waterlogged points are:


  • Avenue of Civilizations and Geography, Colonia UH el Rosario; mirror 30 m and 15 cm


  • Paseo de la Reforma at the height of Av. Insurgentes, Colonia Tabacalera
  • Cypress and internal circuit, colony of Atlampa; Mirror of 20 m and spacer of 15 cm
  • Rodríguez Puebla and Callejón Girón, Colonia Centro; mirror 30 m and pulling 10 cm
  • Inner circuit and Reformation, Colonia Cuauhtémoc, under bridge to the north; mirror 50 m, 20 cm orthosis
  • Internal circuit Side and Fresno, Atlampa colony; 20m mirror and 15cm splint


  • Inner circuit to the south and Tezontle canal, INPI Iztacalco colony


  • Picacho Ajusco and Tizimín, Hero colony of Padierna
  • Tekal and Cancún, colony of the Heroes of Padierna
  • Avenue Tezontle, corner of Río Churubusco, colony Gabriel Ramos Millán


  • Giotto and Juan Cousin, colony Alfonso XIII
  • Pavement Ignacio Zaragoza and Cayetano Andrade, colony Pueblo de Santa Martha Acatitla
  • Amador Salazar and Benito Juárez, Pueblo Colony of Santa Martha Acatitla

Gustavo A. Madero

  • Causeway of the Mysteries, between Excelsior and Ing. Basiliso Romo Anguiano, Industrial Colony
  • Avenida 608 (towards the North) and Villa Cacama, Colonia Villas de Aragón; 50 m mirror and 15 cm
  • Central Avenue corner 412, Colonia San Juan de Aragon IV Section

Álvaro Obregón

  • Boulevard Adolfo López Mateos, corner Dr. Francisco P. Miranda, Colonia Merced Gómez [19659022] Molinos and Periferico, Colonia Molino de las Rosas; 20 m mirror and 15 cm beam

Benito Juárez

  • Avenida Insurgentes Sur, corner of Philadelphia, Colonia Nápoles; mirror 100 m and 25 cm wide.
  • Calzada de Tlalpan, between Guipúzcoa and Av. Niños Heroes of Chapultepec, Colonia Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez
  • Eleuterio Méndez and Fernando Montes de Oca, Colonia San Simón Ticumac; mirror 80 m and tie 20 cm


  • Carretera México-Toluca and San José de Los Cedros; 80 m mirror 20 cm orthosis

Venustiano Carranza

  • Interior circuit to the north, from Hangares Aviación to Puerto México, Colonia Moctezuma 2nd. Section; mirror 150 m and tie 30 cm assignment of three central lanes.
  • Fray Servando with direction to the east between South 111 and Ax 3 East, Balbuena Garden colony; mirror 70 m and fastener 20 cm
  • Av. Oceania to the North and Inner Circuit, Colonia Pensador Mexicano; mirror 70 m and a tie 20 cm

Miguel Hidalgo

  • Inner circuit and Thiers, Colonia Anzures on the low bridge to the south; Mirror of 50 m and 15 cm

The authorities of the capital recommend that the population keeps the doors and the windows closed, that it does not reach the cornices, the roofs or the scaffoldings and avoids cross the streets or avenues.

The population is kept attentive through reports on social networks, the Twitter accounts of Civil Protection @SPCCDMX, and the Command Center, Control, Computer, Communications and Citizen Contact @ C5_CDMX.

In addition, it is made available the 9-1-1 emergency number or via the mobile application "911 CDMX", which provide a 24-hour service

Leave to the Time and set up your route with Waze.

The CDMX airport suspends operations because of the rain


With Civil Protection information from CDMX.


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