A study reveals about children's online activities


  Study Reveals on Children's Online Activities - kaspersky_kids3-800x526

Kaspersky Lab's Last Study About Activities Online kids, based on statistics obtained from their parental control solutions and modules, highlights kids' online activities and the importance of protecting them while surfing the internet. For example, 17% of searches in recent months were related to video content. While many videos viewed as a result of this research may be harmless, children may accidentally watch videos with inappropriate content.

The report shows anonymous statistics obtained from Kaspersky Lab's flagship solutions for consumers and used in PCs with Windows and Mac platforms that have activated the parental control module, as well as Kaspersky Safe Kids, a independent service for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android devices.

The study presents search results in the ten most popular languages ​​* in the last six months. Data show that the category of video and audio services streaming video bloggers series and movies – is the most "searched" by Google for children (17% of total requests). The second and third places are devoted respectively to translation (14%) and communication (10%). Interestingly, gambling sites rank fourth, generating only 9% of total search queries.

  Study Reveals on Children's Online Activities - Online Activities of Nincc83os

We Can Also See a net difference in searches, depending on the language: for example, video and music Web sites are generally searched in English, perhaps because most movies, TV series and musical groups have names in English. English. Spanish-speaking children do more research in translation sites, while research in communication services is mainly conducted in Russian. More than any other language, Chinese-speaking children are looking for educational services, while French-speaking children are more interested in sports and games sites. On the other hand, the German-speaking applications dominate in the category of "purchases". The largest number of porn searches is in Arabic, and for the anime, in Japanese.

"Children from different countries have different interests and behaviors online, but what unites them all is their need to be protected online against potentially dangerous content. the search for animated content could accidentally open a porn video, or they could start looking for innocent videos and, unintentionally, end up on websites that contain violent content and that could have a long-term impact on them ", explains Anna Larkina, Web Content Analyst at Kaspersky Lab

In addition to research, the report also analyzes the websites that visitors visit or attempt to visit, sites with potentially dangerous content entering the Web. one of the 14 categories ** pre-established in the last 12 months Data shows that communication sites (such as social networks, messenger services) ie or e-mails) were the most visited pages for computers with parental control enabled, and users visited these sites in 60% of cases in the last 12 months. However, the percentage of this category is reduced each year as mobile devices continue to play a larger role in children's online activities.

The second most popular category among websites visited by children is "Software, Audio and Video" (22%). Websites with this content have become much more popular since last year, while it was only the fifth most popular category with 6%. The first three are supplemented by websites on alcohol, tobacco and narcotics (6%), which is a new addition to the same period last year.

Once again, there is a trend toward mobile devices between sites. games, which now occupy only fourth place in the list with 5%. While kids continue to show preference for mobile games, instead of computer games, this category will continue to decrease their popularity on computers over the next few months and years.

"No matter what you do online, It is important that parents do not leave their children's digital activities unattended, although there is a big difference between care and treatment. While it's important to trust your children and educate them about how to behave safely online, even their good advice can not protect them from something that unexpectedly appears to be This is why advanced security solutions are essential to ensure that children have positive online experiences rather than harmful ones. " adds Larkina

The solutions of Kaspersky Total Security and Kaspersky Internet Security for the consumer include a parental control module to help adults protect their children from online threats and blocks r sites or applications that contain inappropriate content. The Kaspersky Safe Kids solution allows parents to control what their children are doing, see, or search online for all devices, including mobile devices, and offer helpful tips on how to help kids behave online safely.

To view the full report, please visit: https://securelist.lat/kids-report-2018/87065/

* The languages ​​of Kaspersky Safe Kids are: English, German, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, French, Italian and Spanish. Search engines include different categorizations that include: pornography and eroticism; abortion; religious movements and sects; weapons; drug addicts; l & # 39; alcohol; the tobacco; violence; extremism, racism; self-harm, suicide and gambling.

** The 14 categories of websites that can be blocked by the Parental Control module included in Kaspersky Lab's solutions are: adult content; alcohol, tobacco, narcotics; computer games; E-commerce; explicit language; games of chance, lotteries, draws; HTTP request redirection; Internet media; job search; information media; religions, religious associations; software, audio, video; violence and weapons; explosives and pyrotechnics

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