A tender note to start the day: Breeding Koola and Jojo will call Ali … gorillas in Chicago


  Breeding Koola and Jojo will be named Ali ... a family of gorillas in Chicago

The Brookfield Zoo reported Thursday that a donor chose Ali as the name of the western lowland gorilla who was born on June 1


U n gorilla born a month ago in a zoo in the suburbs of Chicago will call Ali.

Brookfield Zoo reported Thursday that a donor chose the name of the western lowland gorilla that was born on June 1.

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The Chicago Tribune reported that over the next four months or so, Ali hangs on his mother Koola before venturing further, but still within reach

Ali is a great success, not just for Koola and his father, Jojo. . The lowland gorillas are in danger of extinction and experts estimate that only 200,000 live in their natural habitat in the forests of Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Nigeria, Congo and the Middle East. Angola.


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