A thousand Chinese companies come to Mexico in search of alliances


Chinese companies will be presented at a CDMX forum to conclude deals with Mexican investors and expand in Latin America, said Jenny Wang, director of the Zhonghua Business Association in Mexico.

In an interview with El Financiero, the executive said that after seven years of organizing the exhibition titled "China Expo and Forum Mexico", a thousand companies from the Asian countries have been added to the national market by local entrepreneurs.

"These are companies dedicated to the manufacture of furniture and home and office products, household appliances, energy, lighting and LEDs, consumer goods, textiles, automobiles, They do not look for end customers, they want strategic alliances to export to Mexico, "Wang said.

According to information from the Bank of Mexico, in the first eight months of 2018, products from this Asian country entered Mexico at a value of $ 53,000,983 million, or 14.8% more than at the same period last year.

This is the highest level in the two countries' trade relations and the largest increase since 2010, when the increase was 43.9%.

Wang said that through this type of events, auto companies such as BAIC and JAC have arrived in Mexico, as well as technologies (Lenovo and Huawei) and mobility (Mobike and Didi).

The event, to be held at Expo Santa Fe in the nation's capital from November 6 to 8, will bring together 200 Chinese entrepreneurs and investors. René Ojeda, general manager of Mobike Mexico, will also participate in the forum. He will explain the success of the company, which has reached the "Aztec soil" to offer consumers an easy option to move into the CDMX.

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