A trailer hits a passenger bus in Veracruz; there are 24 wounded


XALAPA, Vero (Apro) – A trailer that was struck this morning against a passenger truck on the Veracruz-Cardel highway caused 24 injuries.

The 1338 suburban bus, which covered the Costera -Colinas de Santa Fe road, at the entrance to the port of Veracruz, was off the road and integrated into the mountain.

Red Cross, Civil Protection and firefighters arrived at the scene to help the wounded – a person of seriousness – a dozen of whom were transferred to hospitals in the port of Veracruz for treatment for any fractures.

The south-north road network was closed for a few hours because of rescue and resettlement maneuvers According to the bus driver, René Peralta Pérez, the drivers of two trailers were playing races and one of them, in his attempt to win the other, hit him and took him out of the way.

They came or the trailersos and we did not manage to release. Both came in one lane, I was driving normally and it was that I was shocked and got out. Between all the people broke the windows and we managed to get everyone out, "he said.

The alleged perpetrator escaped, but he is already seeking municipal and federal authorities

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