A transplant saves the life of a young woman who has ignored her symptoms


Christina Ferrara will never forget her 30 years, even if it will not be for the holidays. The young attributed some symptoms to stress but ended up becoming "the sickest woman in the United States", to the point that he needs a liver transplant to survive. Today, a year after what happened, he is trying to educate others so that they do not live the same situation.

Gum bleeding – due to the toothbrush – momentary memory loss – which he considered to be "the product of age" – among the symptoms that he was beginning to notice, was urinating darkness – that it supposed to be due to dehydration – and extreme fatigue. However, it was not until it became "yellow from head to toe" that he visited the doctorwho told him that he would not survive this weekend.

Those who visited Christina had to wear jugulars because of their weak immune system.
Those who visited Christina had to wear jugulars because of their weak immune system.

She was immediately hospitalized and placed in a coma caused by the bankruptcy of her body due to jaundice and high levels of ammonium. His liver had also begun to release toxins. She was placed on the waiting list to receive a transplant.. At 12 o'clock he was at the top of the list.

"I thought it was a cruel welcome to my 30 but it was a jaundice and high enzyme levels, "she told foreign media," it's like if someone had painted with me. " a highlighter and that I was so tired that I was trying to drink as much coffee as possible, "he recalled.

The doctors they were surprised by the rapid advance of the paintingaccording to Ferrara, liver failure usually manifesting itself after several years. "They asked me for things I did not remember, I thought we were in 1997. All I knew was that I was scared," she said. confessed. Although the cause of liver failure is unknown, experts speculate that it was linked to excessive alcohol consumption and hepatitis B and C.

After four days of induced coma and three organs, a very large one; another very sick; and another, very old – the right liver appeared. "Once they transplanted my energy," he said. His recovery was as fast as his illness and also surprised the specialists. "They called me" The Bionic Woman "and the" Bionic Barbie ": I do not have a metal part, but it's due to my life and energy," he said. he declares.

One year after the transplant, Ferrara continues to take medication so that her body does not reject the organ. All that happened put him at high risk of skin cancer and had to adapt his eating habits. In any case, the young woman is determined to enjoy life and to educate the public so that this does not happen or that we do not favor the donation of organs: "If my donor did not choose to donate his organs, I would not be there, you can not take them when you leave, so save a life and spread love"he condemned.

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