A two-year-old boy drowned while playing


Los Mochis, Sinaloa.- A minor of only 2 years lost his life yesterday afternoon after falling to a tambo that contained water, when he was playing in the According to El Debate, the fatal accident was recorded in a house located in the union of Heriberto Valdez Romero, better known as El Guayabo

The little boy who is unfortunately dead called Sebastián Antonio "N".

The fact

According to information provided by the state investigation police, the incident occurred around 3:00 pm yesterday, when the child was playing in the courtyard of the house.

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One of the parents told investigators that they had lost sight of Sebastian about five minutes, since they were

Later, they went out and looked for it, but they did not locate it.

Suddenly they noticed that the boy was floating face down in a blue drum filled with water, which they used. like a pile to wash.


In this situation, they quickly got out of the water and gave him first aid; However, when he did not answer, they took him in his arms and went out with him to the road.

There, a family member took them to the union to ask for help.

Once in the square and after reporting what happened to the authorities, the municipal officers on Patrol 3185 took the family without wasting time at the Red Cross facilities. Mexican of the Villa de Ahome, where they hoped that the little boy would recover his senses.

Unfortunately, paramedics could not do anything to save the life of the child, so they asked for the presence of the Attorney General's office staff to testify the facts. He was later transferred to a funeral home in the village of Ahome.

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