A vegetarian or vegan diet improves control of type 2 diabetes: your doctor


Food is one of the keys to the prevention, control and treatment of Type 2 diabetes, and recent research indicates that a vegetarian or vegan diet this allows both better control of the disease and its symptoms.

According to the study shared by specialists in International Diabetes Federation, which also involved academics from nutrition and dietetics, shows that having a vegetarian or vegan diet also improves the The well-being or the quality of life of people with type 2 diabetes.

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Benefits of the Vegetarian Diet for the Control of Type 2 Diabetes

In recent years, several studies have shown the benefits of a diet based on the consumption of plants and vegetables for the prevention, control and treatment of type 2 diabetes, leading to clear conclusions about its advantages.

In this sense, it has been observed that a vegetarian or vegan diet, with its ovo, milky, semi-flexible or flexible variants, has an impact not only on improving symptoms or controlling blood sugar, but also on the metabolism. same quality of life or well-being of patients with type 2 diabetes.

A systematic critical analysis of the results showed that the quality of life, both physical and emotional, only improved in patients with a vegan or plant diet. Similarly, depressive symptoms improved only significantly in these groups.

Nerve pain (neuropathy) was relieved in both the herbal and comparative regimen groups, but more so in the first group. And the loss of foot temperature control in those on a diet comparison suggests that eating mainly herbal foods may have reduced the progressive nerve damage associated with diabetes, according to the researchers.

Average blood glucose (HbA1c) and fasting decreased more sharply among those who cut or ate very little animal products and these participants lost almost twice as much weight: 5.23 kg vs. 2.83 kg kg.

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In addition, with regard to the complications associated with diabetes, researchers from the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of London in the United Kingdom have observed that this type of diet also reduces the cardiovascular risk associated with diabetes. times at this condition and overweight. and obesity, since cholesterol and lipid levels have also been reduced.

Therefore, specialists are currently working to find more evidence that this type of diet is being implemented to deal with type 2 diabetes because if in addition to improving blood sugar or glucose control, it is effective in improving the treatment. quality of life, could be a therapeutic effect against this disease.

With information from Science Daily and ncbi

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