A weapon attack makes 9 wounded in Idaho, USA


  Weapon attacks make 9 wounded in the United States

Many refugee families live in the property and the motive for the attack is unknown at the moment.


Nine persons were hospitalized on early Sunday and one man was arrested after a knife attack in an apartment complex of Boise, Idaho, where many refugee families live according to the authorities.

The chief of the Boise Police, Bill Bones reported that nine victims were taken to hospitals for treatment by wounds that do not endanger their lives .

So far, we have lost nobody, but … the wounds are very serious, "said Bones.

The police still have not got any. hypothesis about the possible motivation of the attack Saturday night, but he said that he had arrested a 30-year-old man.

Bones added that it was the largest ever in a unique event in the history of the Boise Police Department.

After police received the report about the stabbing attack at 8:46 pm, they went to the D & D complex. Apartment In four minutes

Officers found the victims in the parking lot and inside the residential complex

Witnesses reported that the suspect had fled and that the police had arrested the older suspect 30 years not far from there.

The investigators said that they did not know if the suspect was related to any of the victims.

The p olice did not disclose the name or age of the victims, but stated that their age fluctuated a lot.

"affected all aspects of families" living in the complex.



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