A woman dies after receiving an overdose of Botox in Hong Kong – Diario Digital Our country


BEIJING, Nov. 12 (EFE) .- A 52-year-old woman died this morning in Hong Kong after receiving an overdose of Botox in an aesthetic clinic, the third case of this type in less than one year. months in China, reports the Hong Kong newspaper. Morning of South China.

According to this report, clinic staff announced Sunday around 5 pm that the woman, nicknamed Cheung, had fainted after receiving Botox treatment.

After being transferred to critical condition at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, health staff certified his death at 9:42 am local time (1:42 am GMT) on Monday.

According to police sources quoted by the digital, the woman has received more than ten injections of Botox in the center, which has not yet been announced.

The investigation is continuing and no type of detention has taken place so far.

Botulinum toxin, better known as Botox, is a neurotoxin used as a treatment for certain neurological diseases and as a cosmetic product to eliminate facial wrinkles.

However, in high doses it can cause progressive muscular paralysis, breathing difficulties and even death.

On November 1, a 41-year-old woman fell ill in China after suffering Botox treatment at her home, which caused a feeling of weakness, sore throat, and difficulty swallowing.

The next day, a 24-year-old girl was admitted to Queen Elizabeth Hospital after receiving a neurotoxin injection, which caused nausea, dizziness and shortness of breath, according to the South China Morning Post. EFE

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