A woman who accused Kavanaugh of rape admits to lying


Washington- A woman who accused US Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of raping her, admitted that she had lied to escape the judge's confirmation because she was "furious." ", according to the Judiciary Committee of the Senate.

The woman, Judy Munro-Leighton, claimed responsibility for an anonymous letter received in September by Democratic Senator Kamala Harris, a member of the Committee, accusing Kavanaugh and another man of raping her "several times" in a vehicle.

The letter was signed under the pseudonym "Jane Doe" and Kavanaugh at that time denied the accusations that it contained, which in a few details did not catch the attention of Senators.

In early October, Munro-Leighton contacted the Committee with an email in which he claimed to be responsible for the letter to Harris, kept what was written there and assured that "he had very afraid "that his information come to light. The identity of Munro-Leighton, in fact, did not extend to public opinion at that time.

After attempting several times during the month of October to corroborate her complaint, the investigators of the Committee were able to rely on the woman on Thursday, when she acknowledged that she was not really "Jane Doe" and that she did not know Kavanaugh personally.

The woman stated that she "only wanted to attract attention" and that it was a "tactic" to avoid the confirmation of a judge appointed by the President of the United States, Donald Trump.

The letter of "Jane Doe" and the Munro-Leighton outbreak coincided with the moment when the Senate praised Kavanaugh's confirmation and in which several women made public the fact that the judge would have sexually assaulted them there. several decades.

In fact, one of them, Christine Blasey Ford, came to appear before the Committee to explain her story.

The chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Republican Charles Grassley, informed the US Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, and FBI Director, Christopher Wray, the case of Munro-Leighton so that they could "take into consideration" "acts" potentially illegal "women.

"These acts are not only unjust, they are potentially illegal, it is also illegal to make false, fictitious or fraudulent statements to Congressional investigators." It is illegal to obstruct congressional investigations, Grassley said.

Kavanaugh was finally confirmed by the US Senate on October 6 and that same day he assumed the role of Supreme Court Judge.

In this regard, President Trump blamed the woman's false accusations.

"A perverse accuser of Judge Kavanaugh just admitted that she was lying, her story was totally made and false! Can you imagine if she had not become a Supreme Court judge because of his disgusting false declarations? And of the others? Are the Democrats in this? ", he wrote on his Twitter account.

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