A young man dies and a serious girl after shooting 14 wounded in Toronto


ORONTO (AP) – A man fired at restaurants and cafes while he was walking on a Toronto street Sunday night, wounded 14 people and killed a Before disappearing in a confrontation with agents, said the police.

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Mark Saunders, Toronto Police Chief, did not rule out the shootings recorded in the Greektown neighborhood can be an act of terrorism.

Civilians are evacuated from the area of ​​the shooting. Photo: AP

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"In addition to the shooter, we have a young woman who died," she explains.

An eight- or nine-year-old girl is in critical condition, Saunders added .

A video of a witness showed a man dressed in black and wearing a hat of the same color walking fast and pulling three times from the sidewalk to at least one shop or restaurant.

Greektown is a residential area with a lot of life, full of restaurants and Greek cafes crowded.

The police set up a strong force after the shots that left 14 injured. Photo: AFP

The state of the other victims is unknown at the present time, said police spokesman Mark Pugash

Witnesses said they heard many shots and said that the suspect passed by restaurants, cafes and courtyards.

John Tulloch said that he and his brother had just left their car in Danforth when he heard 20 or 30 shots.

"We ran. We saw that people were starting to run, so "An army of police, paramedics and other emergency teams immediately arrived in the firing zone, while the neighbors of the region, some in pajamas, left their homes to see what was happening. happening

Police on the crime scene. Photo: AP

Toronto City Councilor Paula Fletcher told CP24 television that she had learned that the abuser had emotional problems. Another counselor, Mary Fragedakis, offered a similar description.

"This is not gang related, it looks like someone is very upset," said Fletcher, adding that a shootout in an area where families go to dinner is a tragedy.

Mass shootings are rare in Canada's largest city. Photo: AP

"We are very used to living in a city where these things do not happen," said Mayor John Tory. "But there are things happening today that are simply unknown."

Late last week, Toronto police mobilized dozens more soldiers to deal with a recent upsurge in armed violence in the city. Tory acknowledged that the city had a problem with guns.

"Weapons are too available for many people," said the alderman

Police have asked for the collaboration of people who have videos or testimonials. 19659002] The shooting took place a few months after the driver of a truck hit several pedestrians on a sidewalk in Toronto, killing 10 people and injuring 14 others. The authorities did not reveal what was wrong. motivated the incident, but the driver said Alek Minassian, who is detained, posted a message on social networks referring to a misogynist online community before the attack.

In this note:
  • Shooting
  • Toronto
  • Canada
  • Shooting
  • Wounded
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