AAA ends its relationship with Televisa after 27 years


AAA made this announcement on his social networks – Getty Images

The Mexican company Lucha Libre has announced through its social networks the end of its relationship with the TV channel

By Publisport

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September 12, 2017/13: 30h

AAA made this announcement on his social networks – Getty Images

In a statement, the company Lucha Libre AAA World Wide announced that after 27 years, the relationship with Televisa had ended, which means that its functions will no longer be transmitted by the various channels of the television channel owned by Emilio Azcárraga Jean.

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"Each end is the beginning of a new path – 27 years of shared history around a show that has the affection of its fans all over Mexico and now in the world." Our gratitude and gratitude for Thank you very much Televisa! ", they wrote.

Until now, it is unclear whether the company founded by Don Antonio Peña will look for another option in an open signal to continue his transmissions. For the moment, its functions are only broadcast by Multimedios, who started broadcasting their events at the beginning of this year. Another latent alternative exists as the pay TV channel Space, another alternative is Twitch or Facebook Live where Capital Struggle has been successfully transmitted.

Throughout the 27 years that Televisa has been broadcasting the Three Times, there have been major events such as World Wrestling and the various Triplemania events, the most important AAA World event. Wide.



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