Abe visits the disaster area; 176 dead after the floods


KUMANO.- Prime Minister Shinzo Ab visited the flooded areas of Japan on Wednesday, as the number of deadly victims of the worst climate disaster in 36 years rose to 176 and concern for the sanitary situation grew up in the midst of a scorching heat and the threat of further waterlogging.

Torrential rains caused floods and landslides last week in western Japan, causing the death and destruction especially of cities built decades ago on steep slopes.

Abe, who canceled a trip abroad to be at the forefront of tasks related to the climate disaster, was criticized after a photo posted on Twitter showed up with his Minister of Defense at a party with lawmakers at the moment the rains intensified.

After observing the damage caused by a helicopter flying over Okayama, one of the most affected areas, Abe visited a crowded evacuation center. His government promised Tuesday an initial $ 4 billion for collection tasks and a special budget later if needed.

Rescuers faced a scorching sun as they picked up stacks of wood and thick mud in a dark body search, helped by sniffer dogs.

With temperatures of 33 degrees Celsius or higher predicted in the devastated prefectures of Okayama and Hiroshima, the focus was on preventing heat stroke in first aid and rescue centers. Evacuation where thousands of people sought refuge.

Authorities turned to social media to warn of the added danger of food-borne illnesses, urging people to wash their hands and take other action against them. ;food poisoning.

The water accumulated behind mounds of debris blocking the rivers is also a danger after a swollen river flooded a residential area of ​​Fukuyama on Monday, resulting in more and more orders. 39; evacuation.

More intense heat could trigger more storms on Wednesday, and authorities warn that new landslides could occur on the slopes of saturated mountains.

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